ቅዳሜ 19 ጁላይ 2014

Police detained more than 6 andnet party members at the get of Arada court. As Finote netsanet’s informers

Police detained more than 6 andnet party members at the get of Arada court. As Finote netsanet’s informers
- Daniel Feyisa –from udj
-Abinet regasa - from udj
-Fasika -from udj
- Berhanu YegelTu -from udj
- Mesele Admase from udj
-Tilaye Tarekegne - from udj are detained at ‘’Maekelawi’’ will list all lists soon.

ምንም አስተያየቶች የሉም:

አስተያየት ይለጥፉ